Quiz: Which ones of those three things do I NOT like?
I’m sure you already know the answers but let’s discuss them, shall we…
Sister Wives. My favorite obsession. There was a special on Sunday night – The Honeymoon Special. Kody Brown, the douchebag polygamist on TLC’s Sister Wives takes his new wife, the 4th one, on an 11 day honeymoon in San Diego. The other three wives are left at home *sigh* without Kody and with ALL the kids.
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While Kody and Robin (the new wife) are surfing, going on animal safaris, flexing muscles at the camera and being all kinds of idiotic and cheesy, the REST of his family is on a rustic campout picnic-type thing. The whole show was just oozing with cheesiness, really. There was a little resent and anger on the part of the left-behind wives while the new wife was all, “ooh, this is so lovey dovey, I love you and all the wives and ooh ooh ooh.” Drama. Drama, I tell you.
My friends Stark Raving Mad Mommy and Mom-In-A-Million held a live chat and posted the transcript in all it’s glory today. Check out their recaps of all-things-douchey.
Oprah. If you know me, you know I don’t like Oprah. Most people would say, “oh, Jana, you’re just jealous because she has more money than you’d be able to count in your LIFE,” but really it’s just that I uh, don’t like her. I think she’s fake. I think she takes on the tone and attitude of everybody she’s around or places she’s in. I think she has no grasp on reality. I know, I know… y’all love her. That’s cool. This is my blog so I can say what I want. And *I* don’t care for her.
BUT. BUT. I always watch her Favorite Things shows. Always. So on Friday, well, I was excited to find out it was on so I DVR’d it. I’m watching that episode right now. Then come to find out, there was a SECOND episode yesterday. One of my Twitter friends‘ sister was on the show. She and her roommate were invited because of the great things they do for veterans.
I watch this one show for the sheer entertainment value. Oprah acts like a doofus, jumping around, yelling, really being a parody of herself. People in the audience are weeping, fake-fainting, bowing down to her, hugging complete strangers, thanking the Good Lord for the opportunity to be blessed with such extravagance by Oprah.
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Diamond watches, Coach bags, pies, iPads, overpriced popcorn, 7 day cruises, Nikon cameras, macaroni and cheese and oh, and I almost forgot… VOLKSWAGEN BEETLES. What the hell?
I’m 99.9% sure (according to everything I’ve researched) that Oprah does not buy all this stuff to give away. The companies sponsor the items instead of advertising. Their sales go THROUGH. THE. ROOF. after the show. So why wouldn’t they want her to give away a few hundred of what they have to offer? I know for a fact, VW donated the cars, see here.
I like seeing what she’s giving away (I mean, her sponsors are giving away) but mostly, I watch for the entertainment value of the insane reactions of the people. The SNL skit is spot on…
Black Friday. No. No. Nononononononononoo. Never. Never ever will you find me getting up at 2am to go stand in line to get a deal on some overpriced toy that my kid will play with once. Never. NEVER. Can I be any more clear? NEVER!!
I don’t understand it. I just don’t. Why would the stores want to subject themselves to rabid customers that early in the morning, to get yelled at and cussed out by people who think it’s their right to get THAT DEAL. TODAY. NOW. It just blows my mind. Seriously.
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And now, stores aren’t even waiting until Thanksgiving is over. They’re opening at 9pm on Thanksgiving night. Or worse… they’re open ALL DAY on Thanksgiving.
What do y’all get that’s so important and SO cheap that it’s worth standing in those lines on Black Friday and fighting the crowds? I wanna know. Leave me a comment letting me know what you’re planning to get that’ll be magnificent.
What do you think about Oprah? Do you watch Sister Wives? Thoughts?
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